Data of a Given Property For All Elements

Atomic # Symbol Name Stable (non-radioactive) Isotopes
43TcTechnetiumNone. All natural isotopes are radioactive
61PmPromethiumNone. All natural isotopes are radioactive
84PoPoloniumNone. All natural isotopes are radioactive
85AtAstatineNone. All natural isotopes are radioactive
86RnRadonNone. All natural isotopes are radioactive
87FrFranciumNone. All natural isotopes are radioactive
88RaRadiumNone. All natural isotopes are radioactive
89AcActiniumNone. All natural isotopes are radioactive
91PaProtactiniumNone. All natural isotopes are radioactive
92UUraniumNone. All natural isotopes are radioactive
93NpNeptuniumNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
94PuPlutoniumNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
95AmAmericiumNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
96CmCuriumNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
97BkBerkeliumNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
98CfCaliforniumNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
99EsEinsteintiumNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
100FmFermiumNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
101MdMendeleviumNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
102NoNobeliumNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
103LrLawrenciumNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
104RfRutherfordiumNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
105DbDubniumNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
106SgSeaborgiumNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
107BhBohriumNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
108HsHassiumNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
109MtMeitneriumNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
110DsDarmstadtiumNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
111RgRoentgeniumNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
112CnCoperniciumNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
113NhNihoniumNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
114FlFleroviumNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
115McMoscoviumNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
116LvLivermoriumNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
117TsTennessineNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
118OgOganessonNone. All isotopes are man-made and radioactive
64GdGadolinium  154Gd  155Gd  156Gd  157Gd  158Gd  160Gd
4BeBeryllium 9Be
41NbNiobium 93Nb
42MoMolybdenum 92Mo,  94Mo,  95Mo,  96Mo,  97Mo,  98Mo
40ZrZirconium 90Zr,  91Zr,  92Zr,  94Zr
39YYttrium 89Y
37RbRubidium 85Rb
38SrStrontium 84Sr,  86Sr,  87Sr,  88Sr
35BrBromine 79Br,  81Br
36KrKrypton 78Kr,  80Kr,  82Kr,  83Kr,  84Kr,  86Kr
33AsArsenic 75As
34SeSelenium 74Se,  76Se,  77Se,  78Se,  80Se
32GeGermanium 70Ge,  72Ge,  73Ge,  74Ge
3LiLithium 6Li,  7Li
31GaGallium 69Ga,  71Ga
30ZnZinc 64Zn,  66Zn,  67Zn,  68Zn,  70Zn
29CuCopper 63Cu,  65Cu
27CoCobalt 59Co
28NiNickel 58Ni,  60Ni,  61Ni,  62Ni,  64Ni
25MnManganese 55Mn
26FeIron 54Fe,  56Fe,  57Fe,  58Fe
23VVanadium 51V
24CrChromium 50Cr,  52Cr,  53Cr,  54Cr
22TiTitanium 46Ti,  47Ti,  48Ti,  49Ti,  50Ti
21ScScandium 45Sc
20CaCalcium 40Ca,  42Ca,  43Ca,  44Ca,  46Ca
2HeHelium 3He,  4He
19KPotassium 39K,  41K
18ArArgon 36Ar,  38Ar,  40Ar
17ClChlorine 35Cl,  37Cl
16SSulfur 32S,  33S,  34S,  36S
15PPhosphorus 31P
14SiSilicon 28Si,  29Si,  30Si
13AlAluminum 27Al
12MgMagnesium 24Mg,  25Mg,  26Mg
11NaSodium 23Na
90ThThorium 232Th
10NeNeon 20Ne,  21Ne,  22Ne
83BiBismuth 209Bi
82PbLead 204Pb,  206Pb,  207Pb,  208Pb
81TlThallium 203Tl,  205Tl
1HHydrogen 1H,  2H
9FFluorine 19F
79AuGold 197Au
80HgMercury 196Hg,  198Hg,  199Hg,  200Hg,  201Hg,  202Hg,  204Hg
78PtPlatinum 192Pt,  194Pt,  195Pt,  196Pt,  198Pt
77IrIridium 191Ir,  193Ir
75ReRhenium 185Re
76OsOsmium 184Os,  187Os,  188Os,  189Os,  190Os,  192Os
73TaTantalum 181Ta
74WTungsten 180W,  182W,  183W,  184W,  186W
72HfHafnium 176Hf,  177Hf,  178Hf,  179Hf,  180Hf
71LuLutertium 175Lu
8OOxygen 16O,  17O,  18O
69TmThulium 169Tm
70YbYtterbium 168Yb,  170Yb,  171Yb,  172Yb,  173Yb,  174Yb,  176Yb
67HoHolmium 165Ho
68ErErbium 162Er,  164Er,  166Er,  167Er,  168Er,  170Er
65TbTerbium 159Tb
66DyDysprosium 156Dy,  158Dy,  160Dy,  161Dy,  162Dy,  163Dy,  164Dy
63EuEuropium 151Eu,  153Eu
7NNitrogen 14N,  15N
62SmSamarium 144Sm,  149Sm,  150Sm,  152Sm,  154Sm
60NdNeodymium 142Nd,  143Nd,  145Nd,  146Nd,  148Nd
59PrPraseodymium 141Pr
57LaLanthanum 139La
58CeCerium 136Ce,  138Ce,  140Ce,  142Ce
55CsCesium 133Cs
56BaBarium 130Ba,  132Ba,  134Ba,  135Ba,  136Ba,  137Ba,  138Ba
6CCarbon 12C,  13C
53IIodine 127I
54XeXenon 124Xe,  126Xe,  128Xe,  129Xe,  130Xe,  131Xe,  132Xe,  134Xe,  136Xe
51SbAntimony 121Sb,  123Sb
52TeTellurium 120Te,  122Te,  124Te,  125Te,  126Te
49InIndium 113In
50SnTin 112Sn,  114Sn,  115Sn,  116Sn,  117Sn,  118Sn,  119Sn,  120Sn,  122Sn,  124Sn
5BBoron 10B,  11B
47AgSilver 107Ag,  109Ag
48CdCadmium 106Cd,  108Cd,  110Cd,  111Cd,  112Cd,  114Cd
45RhRhodium 103Rh
46PdPalladium 102Pd,  104Pd,  105Pd,  106Pd,  108Pd,  110Pd
44RuRuthenium 100Ru,  101Ru,  102Ru,  104Ru,  96Ru,  98Ru,  99Ru